Thursday, April 11, 2013

Table of Contents & Open letter to Cereal Companies #Peacock #Prime

Please Watch My Emmy Winning Movie, The Pez Outlaw on Amazon Prime & Peacock. 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. Best actor at SXSW.

Table of Contents n Open letter to Cereal Companies

The Cereal Box Price Guide is the first n only of it's kind. A guide to collecting cereal boxes. A possible book that celebrates how magical n collectible cereal boxes are. the Cereal Box Price Guide has an image for every cereal box valued.
Cereal Manufacturers.

I need cereal boxes. 

I'm asking you to seed a reality. Sending me boxes is an investment in a the reality of cereal boxes as a major collectible. 

The Cereal Box Price Guide is the culmination of everything I learned as The Pez Outlaw.  I'm inviting you the Cereal Companies to join with me in this book.

 If you would like to join me n participate by sending cereal boxes to help fuel this n provide extended content, they would be welcomed and appreciated. The address is below

sj glew.   
Pez Outlaw


Send cereal boxes to.

sj. glew
5611 lehman rd.
dewitt mi.