Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pez Outlaw, Post Cereal box price guide #Peacock #Prime

Please Watch My Emmy Winning Movie, The Pez Outlaw on Amazon Prime & Peacock. 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. Best actor at SXSW.

Please Watch The Pez Outlaw Movie. 
It's My Story.

My Appologies, I have not updated this Price Guide in Quite a while. You could easily Double all my values on Cereal Boxes.


Full = box with original contents.

Flattened = a box that was once full of cereal, then emptied & carefully flattened, using existing side seams. The box will show you how as you attempt it.

A Flat = unused, never assembled. These can come two ways, an uncut sheet or a cut sheet ready to be shaped & glued. Most commonly these are found as cut sheets. I fold these once at the seam for shipping. I find it just plain stupid to attempt to ship a flat unfolded, every additional square inch of shipping surface increases the chance of damage when shipping. All file copies at manufacturers are folded once at a seam. Get over it people, it does no damage realistically to the flat & extends the overall life condition of the flat.

Shaped Flat = a flat that has been folded at side seems & glued. Top & bottom flaps have not been folded on a shaped flat. Shaped flats are the printers product ready for use at the factory.

The crease = there is one flaw almost every cereal box that ever served time on a store shelf will have. It is the top crease in the middle from where people commonly pick it up. More or less people pick up a box of cereal from the top using the thumb on one side index finger same hand on the back side. We all do it. Check yourself out next time at the store, grab a box off the shelf, pause & note the indentation you made in the box. To me this is the common flaw in almost all flattened cereal boxes. You can prize for it not being there, but it would be nuts to discount for it.

Again why I only collect flattened boxes. Say miracle of miracles you have a full box on a shelve at home. Are you gonna put an armed guard on it to keep some idiot from picking it up the most common way everyone in the world would. If a cereal box is full it will get this crease sooner or later.

Remember I do not value at prices people want. I value at a good buy for the item. On values my bottom value will be $5 to $10.00. Here's why. Either you want a box or you don't. If you don't it is worth nothing to you. If you want it, how do you not value it at $5 to $10.00? A box of cereal costs about $4.00 at the store, so for a box to exist it starts at a $4.00 value in life. $5 to $10.00 is just easier as a bottom line. If you won't pay $5 to $10.00 for a cereal box, why are you even bothering to collect.

Hard fact / Harsh reality. I buy cereal boxes in quantity, preferably 50 to a thousand or 2 at a time. I pay roughly $1.00 per box for flats. I pay .50 cents to $1.00 each for flattened boxes in quantity. This is for boxes I want in Quantity. I have payed $2.00 each for Ralston Flats, quantity over 750. I as a dealer can not pay more & hope to make any kind of reasonable profit to me.

As with the whole Pez thingy, see Pez Outlaw Diary. I have a lot of added costs in advertising, promotion & support material. Time expenditure alone creating the Cereal Box Price Guide.

WARNING! Prices in this guide are for near complete boxes. Meaning 1 or 2 flaps missing. I see a lot of Box backs or fronts only for sale on ebay etc. To me one panel front or back has no value. A portion of a box, box top etc has no value. This guide values near complete boxes only.

I invite everyone who uses or reads The Cereal Box Price Guide to join me on facebook at Cereal Box Price Guide n Archives - CBPGA  and tell me what you think.
When you click one of the advert on this page, that is how I earn money for writing this.

Pebbles are in there own chapter

40% Bran Flakes - Like I said. I'm not really going to do Brans Healthy etc, except ones I think have merit. I Like these.

1930 40% Bran Flakes Famous North Americans cereal box = $50 to $100.00

1930 40% Bran Flakes Famous North Americans cereal box = $50 to $100.00

1930 40% Bran Flakes Famous North Americans cereal box = $50 to $100.00

1930 40% Bran Flakes Famous North Americans cereal box = $50 to $100.00

Alpha Bits - first produced 1958

1958 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $100 to $150.00

1958 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $100 to $150.00

It would also appear I need to address something. Sports card guys want you all to believe sports cards on backs of boxes are as valuable as real topps or Fleer sports cards. They are not. 

Here's the simple way to explain it. You all know how nuts sports card people can be about grading real sports cards, edges feathered, bends wrinkles etc.  Cereal box sports cards are cut out with shears, nuf said. Also try turning the tables, try selling a sports card back to a sports card guy, what he will say n his response will be opposite of what he'd say if selling it to you.

Sports card backs or wheaties sports figure boxes are nice but value equalization crossover with sports cards is ludicrous. These boxes need to be valued within the cereal box world not the I saw you comin stupid sports card crossover world. There is no crossover. They are apples n oranges.
1962 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $150.00

1962 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $150.00

1962 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $150.00

1962 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $150.00

1962 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $150.00

1962 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $150.00

1962 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $150.00

1962 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1963 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1965 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1965 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1968 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1970 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1972 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1972 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1972 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1974 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1976 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1976 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1976 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1976 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1976 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1976 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1976 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1978 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1979 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1979 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1980 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1980 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1980 Alpha-Bits Cereal Box = $25.00

1980 Alpha-Bits w Terrarium Cereal Box = $25.00

1984 Alpha-Bits Cereal Box = $15.00

1984 Alpha-Bits Cereal Box = $15.00

1985 Alpha-Bits Cereal Box = $10.00

1986 Alpha-Bits Cereal Box = $10.00

1990 Post Alpha - Bits Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1990 Post Alpha - Bits Baseball Card Offer Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1991 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1991 Post Alpha - Bits Baseball Card Offer Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1992 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1992 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1992 Post Alpha - Bits Baseball Card Offer Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1996 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1996 Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1998 ALPHA-BITS Cereal Box = $5.00

2000 Alpha-Bits MLB Trading Card Cereal box = $5 to $10.00

2000 Alpha-Bits MLB Trading Card Cereal box = $5 to $10.00

2008 Alpha-Bits Cereal box = $5.00

Marshmallow Alpha Bits

1991Marshmallow Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1991New Blue Marshmallow Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1992 Marshmallow Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1992 Marshmallow Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1994 Marshmallow Alpha Bits Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1998 Marshmallow ALPHA-BITS Cereal Box = $5.00

2006 Post Limited Edition Batman Cereal box = $5 to $10.00

Crispy Critters - first produced 1962

1962 Crispy Critters cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1962 Crispy Critters cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1962 Crispy Critters cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1962 Crispy Critters cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1963 Crispy Critters cereal box = $200.00

1963 Crispy Critters cereal box = $200.00

1964 Crispy Critters cereal box = $200.00

1965 Crispy Critters cereal box = $200.00

1965 Crispy Critters cereal box = $200.00

1966 Crispy Critters cereal box = $100.00

1968 Crispy Critters cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1973 Crispy Critters cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1988 Crispy Critters cereal box = $10 to $25.00

1988 Crispy Critters cereal box = $10 to $25.00

Crispy Critters cereal box = $10

1989 Crispy Critters cereal box = $10.00

1990 Crispy Critters cereal box = $10.00

Corn Crackos

1967 Corn Crackos Cereal Box = $250.00

1967 Corn Crackos Cereal Box = $250.00

1967 Corn Crackos Cereal Box = $250.00

Corn Flakes & Straw Berries

1965ish Corn Flakes & Straw Berries Cereal Box = $50 to $150.00 Bland box with not much happening but still an important box because of its oddness. Very similar to the 1982 Kelloggs Banana Frosted Flakes n the 1964 Corn Flakes w/Bananas. Unlike the other two who had great character imagery on the front of the box, this one by Post has nothing. Still that said, this is a significant Cereal Box.

Croonchy Stars

1988 Croonchy Stars Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1988 Croonchy Stars Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1989 Croonchy Stars Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

C.W. Post

1979 C.W. Post Cereal Box = $50.00

Grape Nuts Flakes 

1932 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1940ish Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $100.00 nice but no coolness like cool character or offer

1950 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1950 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1951 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1953 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1953 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1955 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1955 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1957 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1958 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1958 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1960 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1960 Al Kaline Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1960 Bob Cousy Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1960 Bob Pettit Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1960 Don Drysdale Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1960 Ed Mathews Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1960 Frank Gifford Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1960 Harmon Killebrew Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1960 John Unitas Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1960 Mickey Mantle Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1962 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1962 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1962 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1962 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1963 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00 mmmmm tang

1965 Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

Grape Nuts - first produced 1897

1936 Grape Nuts Dizzy Dean Cereal Box = $200 to $250.00 nice box

1940ish Grape Nuts Cereal Box = $100.00 nice but no coolness like cool character or offer

1956 Grape Nuts Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1957 Grape Nuts Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00 very boring

1962 Grape Nuts Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1962 Grape Nuts Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1962 Grape Nuts Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1965 Grape Nuts Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1966 Grape Nuts Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1966 Grape Nuts Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1984 Grape Nuts Cereal Box = $10.00

Honey-Comb - first produced 1965

1965 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1965 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1965 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1968 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1969 Honey - Comb Archies Cereal Box = $100 to $250.00

1969 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1969 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1969 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1970 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50.00

1970 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50.00

1970 Honey - Comb Monkees Record Cereal Box = $200 to $350.00

1972 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50.00

1972 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1973 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50.00
1973 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50.00

1974 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50.00

1974 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1974 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50.00

1974 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50.00

1974 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50.00

1974 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50.00

1974 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50.00

1975 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1976 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1977 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1977 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1977 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1977 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1978 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1979 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1979 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00
1980 Honeycomb Cereal Box = $25.00

1981 Honeycomb Cereal Box = $25.00

1982 Honeycomb Cereal Box = $25.00

1984 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $25.00

1986 Honeycomb Cereal Box = $15 to $20.00

1989 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1989 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1989 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1989 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1990 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1991 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1992 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1992 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1994 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1994 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1995 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1997 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1997 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

2001 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

2001 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

2005 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

2005 Honey - Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

Strawberry Honey-Comb
1984 Strawberry Honey-Comb Bike License Plate Cereal Box = $50.00

1984 Strawberry Honey-Comb Bike Stickers Cereal Box = $50.00

2003 Strawberry Honey-Comb Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

Oreo O's
2000 Oreo O's Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

2004 Oreo O's Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

Pink Panther Flakes

1970's Post Pink Panther Flakes Cereal Box Toy Car Premium = $200.00

Post Toasties - first produced 1904

1936 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1936 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1936 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1936 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1936 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1936 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1936 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1936 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1937 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1937 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1937 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1937 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1939 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1950 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1950 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1950 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1951 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1953 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1956 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1958 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $100 to $200.00

1958 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $50 to $100.00

1958 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $50 to $100.00

1958 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $50 to $100.00

1958 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $10 to $20.00 boring

1959 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $50 to $125.00

1959 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $25 to $50.00

1959 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $25 to $50.00

1959 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $25 to $50.00

1959 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $25 to $50.00

1960 Danny Thomas Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $25 to $80.00

1961 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $50.00

1961 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $50.00

1961 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $50.00

1961 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $50 to $125.00
1961 Post Toasties Corn Flakes = $50.00

1962 Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 SUGAR COATED Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 SUGAR COATED Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 SUGAR COATED Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 SUGAR COATED Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1962 Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $25.00 only because of Tang

1963 Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1963 Corn Flakes sports card back Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1963 Corn Flakes sports card back Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1963 Corn Flakes sports card back Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1963 Corn Flakes sports card back Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1963 Corn Flakes sports card back Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1963 SUGAR COATED Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1963 Corn Flakes & Strawberries Cereal Box = $50 to $200.00

1965 Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50.00

1965 Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50.00

1965 Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50.00
1968 Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50.00

1969 Corn Flakes sports card Cereal Box = $50.00

1971 Corn Flakes Monkeys Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1972 Corn Flakes Cereal Box = $25.00

1975 Post Toasties Cereal Box = $20.00

1977 Post Toasties Cereal Box = $20.00

1981 Post Toasties Corn Flakes Cereal Box = $10 to $20.00

1984 Post Toasties Corn Flakes Cereal Box = $10 to $20.00

1985 Post Toasties Corn Flakes Cereal Box = $10 to $20.00

 Raisin Bran - first produced 1942

Very early box type, but very boring $50.00 aint good just cause old

1949 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1949 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1950 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $200.00

1952 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $50.00

1953 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $200.00

1953 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $200.00

1953 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $200.00

1953 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $200.00

1960 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1960 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1962 Raisin Bran Sports Back Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 Raisin Bran Sports Back Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 Raisin Bran Sports Back Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 Raisin Bran Sports Back Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1962 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1963 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $50 to $80.00

1965 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1965 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1965 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1966 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1967 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1971 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1972 Raisin Bran Partridge Family Cereal Box = $100.00

1973 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $50.00

1973 Raisin Bran Bobby Sherman Cereal Box = $100.00

1975 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1975 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1979 Raisin Bran Steve Garvey Cereal Box = $25.00

1988 Raisin Bran  Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1993 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

1996 Raisin Bran Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

2007 Raisin Bran Cereal box = $5 to $10.00

Ralston Effect

Reptar Crunch
1995 Reptar Crunch Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

2003 Post Marvel Comics Incredible Hulk Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00
Polar Express
2004 Polar Express Post Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

Sesame Street
2013 Sesame Street C is for Cereal Box = $5.00

Rice Krinkles 

1950 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $200.00

1958 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1958 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1959 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1960 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1960 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1960 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1962 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $100 to $200.00
You will notice that I've valued the following sports back boxes at $50.00 more than other Sports backs by Post. The reason is because they are Rice Krinkles, not the sports cards. Rice Krinkles are worth more because the brand is a cooler better box to collect. Actually the sports back is not real relevent to the value.

1962 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $100 to $150.00

1962 Rice Krinkles Sports Back cereal box = $100 to $150.00

1962 Rice Krinkles Sports Back cereal box = $100 to $150.00

1962 Rice Krinkles Sports Back cereal box = $100 to $150.00

1962 Rice Krinkles Sports Back cereal box = $100 to $150.00

1962 Rice Krinkles Sports Back cereal box = $100 to $150.00

1963 Rice Krinkles Sports Back cereal box = $100 to $150.00

1963 Rice Krinkles Sports Back cereal box = $100 to $150.00

1963 Rice Krinkles Sports Back cereal box = $100 to $150.00

1963 Rice Krinkles Sports Back cereal box = $100 to $150.00

1964 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1964 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1964 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1964 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $100 to $200.00

1965 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $80 to $125.00

1967 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $80 to $125.00

1968 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $80 to $125.00

1969 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $80 to $125.00

1970 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $50 to $100.00

1972 Rice Krinkles cereal box = $25 to $75.00


1980s SMURF BERRY CRUNCH - Cereal Box = $25.00

1983 Smurf Berry Crunch Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1984 Smurf Berry Crunch Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1988 Smurf Magic Berries cereal box = $25.00

1988 Smurf Magic Berries cereal box = $25.00

2011 Post The Smurfs Cereal Box = $5 to $10.00

Sugar/Super/Golden Crisp - first produced 1949

1953 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1953 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1955 Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00 you will in all likelihood only find this as a damaged full box or as a wax wrap sheet. I do not collect in either form.

1956 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1956 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1957 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

               1957 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1958 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box w Lil Abner = $100.00

1958 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box w Lil Abner = $100.00

1958 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box w Lil Abner = $100.00

1958 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box Ruff n Reddy = $100.00

1958 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box Ruff n Reddy = $100.00

1958 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box Ruff n Reddy = $100.00

1958 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box Mighty Mouse = $100.00

1958 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1958 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1959 1960 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1961 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1961 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1961 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1961 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1962 Post Sugar Crisp Sports back Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1962 Post Sugar Crisp Sports back Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1962 Post Sugar Crisp Sports back Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1962 Post Sugar Crisp Sports back Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1962 Post Sugar Crisp Sports back Cereal Box = $50 to $125.00

1963 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1963 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1965s Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1965 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1965 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1965 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1967 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1967 Post Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100.00

1969 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100 to $150.00

1971 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $100 to $150.00

1973 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1974 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1975 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1975 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1975 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1975 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1975 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $50 to $100.00

1975 Super Sugar Crisp Monster Cereal Box = $100 to $200.00

1975 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1975 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1976 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1976 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1976 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1977 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1977 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1977 Super Sugar Crisp w Bike Reflector Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1978 Super Sugar Crisp w Action Pinball Game Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1978 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1979 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1979 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1979 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1980 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1980 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1981 Super Super Crisp cereal box = $50.00

1982 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25 to $50.00

1983 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25.00

1984 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25.00

1984 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $25.00

1984 Super Sugar Crisp Cereal Box = $10 to $25.00

1986 Golden Crisp cereal box =  $10.00

1987 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

1987 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

1990 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

1990 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

1991 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

1991 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

1992 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

1992 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

1992 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

1994 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

1994 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

1995 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

1995 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

1996 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

1997 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

1999 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

2001 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

2001 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

2003 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5 to $10.00

2011 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5.00

2012 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5.00

2012 Golden Crisp cereal box = $5.00

I need 10s of thousands of cereal boxes to continue n complete this project. So I ask Cereal Companies here in the USA to send me boxes so I can continue this work.

The Cereal Box Price Guide is the first n only of it's kind. A guide to collecting cereal boxes. A possible book that celebrates how magical n collectible your product is. the Cereal Box Price Guide has an image for every cereal box valued.

Unlike other requests you may get, large quantities of boxes from 1990 to 2014 are welcome. I need a lot of everything. Please send Massive quantities. Hundreds of 1 box type welcome.

send to.
sj glew
5611 w. lehman rd
dewitt mi 48820 

I do not do email, not ever. If you contact me here, my reply will also be here.